Keep up to date with the latest news and blog posts from Verita Neuro. Offering insights into our work and the field of neuroscience.

Brain Stimulation

BRAIN Stimulation The most advanced brain stimulation treatment for brain injury and stroke patients looking to improve both motor and cognitive function and quality of life. Verita Neuro are delighted

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Verita Neuro - LamiSpine - Header


LamiSpine Unique treatment for spinal cord injury, allowing for highly targeted stem cell application, developed by Verita Neuro’s medical experts. LamiSpine is a revolutionary treatment procedure, designed for spinal cord

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Stem Cells

Stem Cell Verita Neuro uses stem cells for spinal cord injury treatment, a well-established process using the ‘building blocks of the body, to help patients recover. We work with leading

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Epidural Stimulation

Epidural Stimulation Epidural stimulation treatment is a breakthrough procedure for spinal cord injury patients, which allows them to regain motor, sensory and autonomic functions below their injury level. Introduced to

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